We are pleased to announce that we now have a secure online payment portal allowing debtors and our clients to make payments online using their Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
Traditionally, the easier it is for a debtor to pay, the more likely they are to pay. This is why we have introduced our new online payment gateway which allows debtors and our clients to make payment using their VISA, MasterCard or American Express.
The merchant fee is one of the lowest in the industry, at just 1.7% per transaction (plus a 30c fee per transaction), regardless of the type of card being used to make payment.
PLUS – take advantage of the opportunity and earn those beloved frequent flyer points using your business credit cards.
This means that now Debtors can make payment into the National Collection Services trust account by EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), BPAY, Money Order, Cheque and Credit Card.
All NCS debt collection demands, whether letter demands, email or SMS will now include a link for credit card payments to be made from a computer or smartphone.
Ready to make a payment now? Click here – Pay Now.
Ensure you quote your Client Code or invoice number.
“It is important that we offer our clients debtors the ability to make payment with ease, which in turn will increase recovery rates for our clients. If it is easy for a debtor to make payment, there is a high chance they will.” – Dale Hannan.
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