News Category: Debit Recovery

Strengthen your debt recovery strategies

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Develop a more focused debt collection strategy to help reduce costs, save time and maximize resources. Watch how Experian can help you refine your debt management and recovery options.

7 Ways To Make Debt Recovery Easier!

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Automating statement generation and sending payment notification to customers is a great way to take some burden off the shoulders of debt collection agents. These auto-generated payment messages can be sent across to borrowers through SMS or mail.  Automated reminder systems can send thousands of customised, personalised messages via a customers’ favourite communication channel. Not only does… Read more »

What is Debt Recovery?

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Debt collection is the process of pursuing payments of debts owed by individuals or businesses. An organization that specializes in debt collection is known as a collection agency or debt collector.

When Debt Collection Becomes Harassment

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Last week, published an online article advising that ASIC has debt management firms in its sights as it looks to crack down on

Debt Collection Agency Sued Over Alleged Failed Debt Collection

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In October The Herald Sun published an article by PETER MICKELBUROUGH about a couple who claimed they were told by Mick Gatto that he would “do his magic” to recover more than $1.3 million they believed was owed to them by a developers.

ASIC cracks down on debt management firm ads

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Last week, published an online article advising that ASIC has debt management firms in its sights as it looks to crack down on

Debt Collection Agency Sued Over Alleged Failed Debt Collection

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In October The Herald Sun published an article by PETER MICKELBUROUGH about a couple who claimed they were told by Mick Gatto that he would “do his magic” to recover more than $1.3 million they believed was owed to them by a developers.