New Zealand’s credit industry is set for a major shake-up this year as we are pleased to announce the opening of our new, New Zealand office!
Many clients we are servicing have expressed interest in our ability to collect debts across the Tasman. The ability to collect debts in both Australia and New Zealand now opens up a wider possibility for clients to extend their collection efforts between both countries – especially if clients have both Australian and New Zealand branches or even if a debtor has moved across the Tasman.
New Zealand has a radiant start-up and innovative community and we have taken this commitment as an important step to offering a Trans-Tasman solution for our clients. National Collection Services values strong relationships with clients and are confident this new office will provide good support to our customers with international locations.
P 09 887 0233
Level 3, Building 10
666 Great South Road
Ellerslie, Auckland1051
PO Box 74556
Greenlane, Auckland 1546
New Zealand
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